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Dedicated Restorative Dentistry Team in Huntington Beach

Restorative dentistry is one of our specialties at Safari Dentistry and Implants. We have helped many patients in the Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Newport Beach and the Westminster area improve their oral health and address major issues with their teeth, bite, and smile. Whether you’ve gone many years without seeing a dentist or you have one or more problem teeth that need to be addressed, we’d love to work with you. Today’s technology and updated dental techniques allow us to do some truly amazing things.

Many patients are interested in improving the quality of their teeth and achieving a better smile. We can help you do that. From basics, such as tooth-colored fillings, to more in-depth services like dentures, our team is here to assist you with a variety of dental restoration techniques.

Porcelain Crowns and More

Tooth-Colored Fillings

This simple fix for a decayed tooth allows us to restore its integrity while preserving its appearance. The tooth filling will be colored to match your own teeth.


A veneer is basically a layer of tooth-colored ceramic that is bonded to the surface of your tooth or teeth. Veneers can be a great way to address a stained or discolored tooth without capping it or removing and replacing it.


Crowns are basically a “dental cap” for your teeth that covers the damaged structure underneath. Not only do crowns improve the appearance of a tooth, but they protect it from further damage as well. We do several crowns at our office, and we can even match the color of your teeth so it blends in perfectly. Ask us about porcelain crowns.

Dentures and Partials

Dentures and partials have been used for years to replace all or multiple missing teeth and gums. With the advances in implants, we can provide more durable, comfortable dentures that are supported by implants. Implant supported dentures can be removable (snap-on dentures with locators) or fixed, or hybrid also called all on 4 or 6, this type is screwed on by the dentist and cannot be removed by patients. Please call us to be evaluated and discuss options available to you.


We are highly experienced with dental implants and this can be a great permanent solution for a badly damaged non-restorable tooth. In a multi-step procedure, we first remove the tooth and prepare the site with bone graft if necessary for the placement of the implant. Once the implant is placed and healing is completed, we install the new tooth in its place. This is essentially a tooth replacement and can function for decades.

Whole (Full) Mouth Restoration

Sometimes a patient may need more than a simple tooth restoration, and we can take care of that as well. Our office is equipped to handle more comprehensive restoration work, such as partial and full dentures, and bridges. If you need more than one tooth addressed, or you are interested in cosmetic procedures to improve your smile, we can provide them for you.

Since whole mouth restorations can take a bit of planning, we’d like to sit down and draw up a treatment plan that addresses all of your dental issues over time. Please contact us to schedule a consultation where we’ll talk with you about your needs, and create a plan to improve your oral health—and your smile!

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