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Meet Dr. Safari

Dr. Mehri Safari is committed to her philosophy of providing comprehensive dental care with knowledge, experience, skills, and compassion for your entire family. She has over 30 years of experience providing excellent restorative, cosmetic, smile design, and comprehensive reconstructive dental and implant treatments to her patients.

Dr. Safari completed dental school in the great state of Iowa, where she earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. While in school, she was active in the research and academic community, taking on such roles as Assistant to the National Board of Dental Examiners for Restorative Dentistry. She was also the recipient of the prestigious College of Dentistry Deans’ Leadership Award for all four years.

After graduating, Dr. Safari started her career as a faculty member, educating her students about topics such as diagnosing dental issues, treatment planning, X-ray interpretation, and disease detection at the department of oral pathology and medicine at her alma mater. As both a student and faculty member, she was involved in research, and she was awarded an NIH research award. She has also published several articles in reputable dental journals. Because of her contributions, abilities, dedication to her patients, and love of excellence in dentistry, she is very well regarded and respected by her peers in the dental community.

After earning her dental degree and teaching, she practiced for over 10 years in one of the western suburbs of Chicago. Dr. Safari then made her way to sunny California, where she now proudly serves her Orange County and San Fernando Valley area, patients.

In pursuit of excellence, Dr. Safari earned both her cosmetic and smile design certifications from the Hornbrook Institute in Las Vegas, NV, and she also holds a certificate in implant placement. She specializes in the restoration and reconstruction of lost and damaged teeth and is highly experienced in this area of dentistry.

Dr. Safari is a licensed State of California dentist in excellent standing and is also certified in many of the latest dental technologies and techniques. As a lifelong student, she believes in continuing education and keeping up with new discoveries, materials, and procedures in dentistry. She has received her certifications in Invisalign, CEREC CAD/CAM technology, endodontics, Lumineers, and anterior esthetic dentistry and smile design.

She is one of the few dentists who have a certificate of completion for courses on how to resolve the problems associated with implants and their restorations. This covers issues such as bone loss, loose implants, abutments, and crowns, stripped and broken screws, retreading of the implants, and other associated conditions.

Dr. Safari’s most important concern is her patients. She is a friendly, honest, down-to-earth dentist who cares deeply about every one of her patients. She is dedicated to making sure everyone feels safe and comfortable and receives excellent care.

Huntington Beach’s Premier Dental Office

Make Safari Dentistry and Implants your first choice when you need a dental office in the Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Newport Beach or the Westminster area. We have over a quarter century of experience providing patients of all ages with high-quality dental care. From basic general dentistry to more complex care, our office works hard to gain the trust of our patients, and your comfort is at the very top of our list of priorities!

Our office is equipped to handle a range of family dentistry tasks, such as checkups, X-rays, fillings, and even crowns. We also provide more in-depth services like bridges and dentures. In addition, while not all dentists are equipped to do dental implant work, we can take care of that for you right here in our office. We’re even trained in emergency implant repair work should you need our help at any time.

A Dedication to Family Dentistry

Dr. Safari practices family dentistry and is able to provide dental care for patients of all ages. From children who are just getting their adult teeth to teenagers who need teeth straightening options, to adult checkups, we do it all! We are proud to be able to serve every family member, regardless of the type of dental care they require. Our office staff is happy to work with you on schedule to make things as convenient as possible, and we will try to help you budget the care, as well, so that costs remain reasonable for your family.

Personal Interests

Dr. Safari loves nature and is active in efforts to protect the environment. For that reason, our office is both paperless and amalgam free, and we use mostly biocompatible materials. We recycle our waste whenever possible. One of Dr. Safari’s hobbies is painting, and if she’s not working to support efforts to protect the environment—she’s painting it!

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