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Help with Dental Insurance and Financing in Huntington Beach

Safari Dentistry and Implants is pleased to accept most PPO & HMO Insurances as well as private & fee for service for our patients in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Newport Beach and Westminster. We work with our patient’s to provide as much assistance as possible for all your financial concerns. Our reasonable fees are one example of the commitment we have to your overall well being, and we strive to make sure no one is denied dental help if at all possible. There are various options for both insured and non-insured patients to make sure they have access to quality dental services. We will be glad to walk you through your options at any time.

As you learn more about dental insurance and self-pay, if anything is unclear, or if we can be of further assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to contact our office to inquire. We’ve worked with many patients throughout our career in this industry and are experienced in all kinds of financing and insurance options.

Dental Insurance

Our staff understands all aspects of Dental Insurance benefits.  When you make your appointment, we’ll ask you to provide certain information that your insurance company requires us to provide to them on the phone to verify your eligibility and the details of your dental benefits prior to your visit.  Once we have established your eligibility we’ll be happy to file for a benefit on services performed.  Our patients are only responsible for payment of any office visit, co-payment, and deductible at the time that services are performed while we wait for their insurance to process and make payments to our office.  If your insurance payment is less than the estimated payment you will receive a bill for the unpaid balance.  It’s essential for our patients to inform us of any changes to their dental insurance so that we can keep their insurance information updated and accurate.  Please rest assured that we never start treatment until your treatment plan is fully explained, your questions are answered, and your fees are discussed and agreed on prior to your dental treatment.  We are here to assist our patients in financing whenever possible so that they can receive the treatments they need and desire.  We offer 12 months interest-free financing through care credit please let us know and we will be more than happy to discuss your needs and options. Our patients are part of our family and we take pride in finding a way for them to receive the care they need.

Payment and financing options

For your convenience, we accept Visa, Mastercard, debit cards, and personal checks for your payments.  If you don’t have insurance and need assistance with payment we can help you with that, we offer 0% interest Care Credit financing upon approval for any amount over $500.00.  please don’t hesitate to ask us any question you have regarding your insurance and financing, we’ll be glad to help you out.

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