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Huntington Beach’s Source for Dental Bridges

At Safari Dentistry and Implants we are able to provide all procedures from exam and cleanings to Veneers, crowns, bridges, and dentures for patients living in the Huntington Beach, Westminster, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Newport Beach area. Our high-quality procedures and materials offer beautiful natural-looking results as well as a practical solution to some of the more serious dental conditions. Dr. Safari with over 30 years of experience and great reputation believes in excellence and is dedicated to making sure you have the best care possible, our practice has a peaceful and spa like atmosphere, our team is proud of knowing every patient by name. If you are interested in learning more about veneers, crowns, bridges, dentures and implants please read on, and contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Safari for an evaluation and consultation. We’re ready to answer any questions you may have and help you make a choice about the solution that works best for your unique situation. We know that no two patients are alike, and we will never treat you as anything other than an individual.

Crowns and More

We specialize in crowns and bridges at Safari Dentistry and Implants. A crown is basically a covering that fits over a tooth. Crowns can serve a number of functions from improving the appearance of teeth to providing support and structure to a tooth that is damaged. We try to save your own tooth using a crown if possible at all. contact our office to schedule a consult with Dr. Safari to see what is the best solution for your needs.

Bridges are structures that are used to replace one or more missing teeth. They are attached to the teeth on either side of missing tooth or teeth for support, and to keep the bridge in place. We offer several types of bridges for our patients, and they can also be made from metal free ceramic or Zirconia materials. We’ll talk with you about the material and bridge type when we plan your treatment. Implant advances have given us additional options other than fixed bridges and removable partials to replace single or multiple missing teeth.

Dentures & All on 4

Dentures are also known and referred to as “false teeth”. There are two primary types of dentures, partial and full. A partial denture is designed to replace several teeth or a particular section of teeth. Full dentures are exactly as the name suggests an entirely new set of false teeth that are meant to replace your natural teeth. Dentures are removable structures that can be taken out for periods of time.

We are able to handle both partial and full dentures at Safari Dentistry and Implants. Whichever type of denture you receive, we strive to make sure it is as natural looking and as comfortable as possible. We’ll work with you to find a look that is as close to your natural smile as we can, and walk you through the process every step of the way. Our knowledgeable staff will help you get used to your new dental appliance, as well as recommend the best ways to keep your dentures clean and looking good. If you are sick and tired of your loose dentures or hate that you have to take your teeth out at night and place in a glass of water come and see Dr. Safari. Implants give us many options to help you with loose and uncomfortable dentures. We can give you snap on locater dentures that are more stable and removable by you or hybrid also known as (fixed-removable or all on 4 or 6) that is removable by your dentist for cleaning but you don’t have to remove them at all. Give us a call you can eat, talk and love your teeth even if you are wearing dentures.

$100 OFF Zirconium or Ceramic Crowns

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$100 OFF Veneers

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