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Comprehensive Dental Exams in Huntington Beach

Safari Dentistry and Implants is the place to go for a comprehensive dental exam and digital X-rays in the Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Newport Beach and the Westminster area. We believe that everything begins with a thorough examination of the mouth and teeth. This appointment allows us to develop an understanding the current state of your oral health. We use state-of-the-art X-ray machines and other equipment to make sure your experience is comfortable.

Learn more about what takes place at a dental exam below, and please contact our office to schedule a visit with our friendly team. We have convenient appointment times available to suit your needs.

Dental Examinations

A dental exam is the first step in the continuum of an overall maintenance and treatment plan. During your time with us, we perform Oral Cancer Screening and examine your teeth, gums, and all the other structures in your mouth—including your throat and tongue. We’ll look for any signs of decay, fracture, gum disease, bone loss or other problems and make a note of these so we can discuss them with you later.

A technician will take digital X-rays so that we can look at the supporting structures underneath your gums as well to identify any anomalies we can’t see with the naked eye. X-rays allow us to catch problems when they are small and easier to treat—which also translates into less expense and discomfort for the patient. If you’ve already had recent X-rays (usually within 6 months) we ask you to have them send to us or you can bring them in with you so that we can compare to your new X-rays.

During your comprehensive dental exam, you may if time allows also receive teeth cleaning if you do not have inflammation, bleeding, bone loss, heavy calculus (tarter) build up. We will be able to answer any questions you may have about proper flossing, brushing, and overall care of your teeth and mouth.

Treatment Planning

After a dental examination is completed you’ll spend some time with the Dr. safari talking about what, if anything, was found and diagnosed during your exam . If you receive a clean bill of health the doctor will simply let you know, and recommend a time for your next examination. If there are issues that need to be addressed, you’ll have a discussion about how to best proceed with care.

Treatment plans are fluid documents that help the dentist both prioritize and schedule your appointments. Typically the most urgent problem will be first on the list, with the less urgent dental needs will be placed on the observation list for later down the line. We’ll talk with you about your priorities and add in any cosmetic or restorative procedures you may request to include, along with any notes on financing and budgetary constraints. If an additional treatment become necessary during the time a treatment is being rendered we are flexible and can move appointments around to accommodate you. Since we handle family dentistry, we also try to take your schedule into account when there is more than one family member needs treatment. Whenever possible we’ll try to make sure your reserved appointment times are convenient. As a curtesy we always confirm your appointment the day before. To be curious to our other patients that are waiting for a reserved appointment time our office policy requires 24 advance notice for rescheduling a reserved appointment to avoid cancellation fee.

$59.00 Special

Receive a full set of X-Rays & Comprehensive Exam
(Regular price – $359)

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