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24/7 Dentistry in Huntington Beach and Westminster

Safari Dentistry and Implants offers 24/7 emergency dentistry help in the Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Newport Beach and the Westminster area in case you experience a dental emergency. We know that sometimes things happen in the middle of the night, on weekends, or at an otherwise inconvenient time and we’re here to help. Whether you have a cavity that is acting up or you crack a tooth, or a crown that has come loose while you’re traveling in the area, we will provide you with dental care advice and help to make sure you don’t suffer until you can get an appointment. There are times that you need to speak with a dentist to get advice and possibly arrange to be seen if possible.

Off-Hour Emergency Dental Care

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency at a time that most offices are closed, please call us and leave a voice mail with a short detail of your dental emergency. When our office is closed our phone line is forwarded to an emergency on call number that’s monitored regularly, rest assured that if you leave a message, we will call you back promptly and do our best to help you.

If you’re experiencing a medical emergency please dial 911 to get help. If you have a traumatic injury that involves more than a tooth, such as a car accident or fall with or without facial involvement, or an abscess that is causing swelling around your eyes, neck, and a high fever, we recommend that you immediately seek emergency care at a hospital or urgent care center to avoid life threatening conditions.

Other Emergency Appointments

At Safari Dentistry and Implants we don’t believe in making people wait if they’re experiencing an emergency situation. We’ll make it work so you can get in and have your dental emergency addressed without delay

Not only do we offer immediate help in the hours we are closed, but we also provide emergency dental care during our office hours regardless of you being an existing or a new patient. If you have a dental emergency while we’re open we will fit you in our schedule to make sure you get some relief. Our office staff are able to help you see Dr. Safari quickly once you call.

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