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Our Dental Services

We offer a number of professional dentistry services at Safari Dentistry and Implants. You can learn more about each service throughout our site. We’re also happy to talk with you in person at any time about your dental care or needed work, creating a treatment plan that makes sense for your needs and budget. Services we provide for patients in the area include:

General Dentistry

We cover all the basics from check-ups to fillings, and more. We have a full-service facility that’s equipped to handle many different dental procedures.

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Exams and Cleaning

Our office provides thorough oral examinations and cleanings for patients of all ages. We’ll set you up on a schedule after your initial appointment.

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Dental Fillings and Bonding

We fill and repair teeth—both for health purposes and appearance. We never use amalgam-filling materials at our office.

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Restorative Dentistry

Our dental team can fix and repair many tooth problems using crowns, tooth-colored fillings, and other techniques. Let us help you restore your smile.

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Crowns, Bridges, and Dentures

We use various structures to help restore your teeth and protect your oral health. From partial dentures to tooth-colored crowns, we have some great solutions.

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We can place new, permanent teeth in your mouth using high-quality dental implants. This service is not always offered by regular dentists.

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Emergency Dentistry

Never hesitate to contact us for any dental emergency. We’re here for you day and night with our 24/7 dental services.

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A Patient-Centered Approach

Dr. Safari believes in a patient-centered approach to dentistry, concentrating on the needs of the family members she serves. Everything that takes place in our facility is done with this in mind. Your care is at the heart of everything we do here—from the moment you walk through the door until you leave our office. Our wonderful, caring staff all contribute to this atmosphere and we are sure you’ll notice the difference between our office and others you may have visited in the past. We’re proud to be able to serve your dental needs.

Our treatment plans provide a roadmap for your dental care. We’ll work with you to establish a regular cleaning schedule and address any problems you may be experiencing. If you have any cosmetic procedures you’d like to include, we’ll be happy to add them as well. Contact us today to make an appointment for your consultation with us.

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